Sylvie et Stéphane Carré (E.A.R.L CARRÉ) Owner and wine grower

Ferme de Forêt Bréault 89310 NOYERS-sur-SEREIN

Rcs: 40036930200015

TVA: FR83400369302

Cellphone: +33 6 87 20 46 05

Email :

GPS coordinates:

Latitude N : 47°44'00.3 / Longitude E : 4°00'14.7

To come and visit us:

1) From Tonnerre, take the direction of Avallon, 500m after the Yrouerre exit, turn left towards Noyers until the sign (see picture below) 4 kilometers before Noyers.

2) On the A6, take Exit 21 in Nitry, then after leaving the village, turn right towards Noyers. Enter Noyers by taking the direction of Tonnerre, 500m after the exit of the medieval city, take the first street on the right direction Moulins, then take the first street over 3 kms, and first house on the right (5km away from Noyers).


Partenaire: La petite étape aux vins à Noyers (petite restauration et vins)